There are so many rules in this life...
* Do not stare at people.
* Do not ask, "How much do you weigh?"
* Do not clap your hands or snap your fingers when asking your waiter for the check.
* Do not invade people's personal space.
* Do not cut in line.
* Do not haggle the price in the coffee shop, restaurant, or the IRS.
* Do not talk politics with people that you do not know.
* Do not just show up uninvited.
* Do not ask how much money someone makes or how old they are.
To name just a few...

General Douglas MacArthur once said,
"Rules are mostly made to be broken and are too often for the lazy to hide behind."

So, if there is to be any progress in your life, any improvement, progress

or positive change,
sometimes you have to step out and take the risk.

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