I will always remember the mat. 
It was on that mat that my journey in wrestling began, back in seventh grade when I was the new kid in town. My newfound friends, Bobby, Andy, and Reuben, had been wrestling since grade school or even earlier, and they possessed a level of experience and skill that far surpassed mine. 
Every time I stepped onto that mat with them, I was swiftly and decisively defeated. 
By the time I reached Jr High, I was fortunate enough to make it to the second string, but deep down, I knew I was still just a scrub, a walk-on when needed.

In my very first official meet-match, I was faced with an opponent who fought like a raging bull. 
I was humiliated as I succumbed to defeat. 
Despite the initial setback, I kept returning to the mat. 

That mat symbolized conflict, hard work, sweat, and the possibility of defeat. 
There were moments when it seemed like the odds were stacked against me, and I felt overwhelmed and scared. 
I knew that in the eyes of many, I had already lost before the battle had even begun. 
But it was on that mat that I learned a valuable lesson - sometimes miracles can happen when you step onto that mat.

There was a particular match when there was no one else to wrestle. 
Reuben was sick that day, and I had to face a renowned champion, the dreaded Vogel. 
He stood tall, exuding an unmatched strength and power. 
Although I was pushing six feet myself, I weighed only about one hundred thirty pounds. I was nothing more than a twig in comparison.

As I approached the mat, I was filled with the knowledge that I would be utterly demolished out there. 
Some of us face defeat like that every day, feeling overwhelmed and consumed by fear. 
Deep down, we believe that we have already lost before the battle even commences. 
But it was on that fateful day that I discovered something extraordinary - sometimes miracles can unfold when you step onto that mat. 

I was tossed around like a rag doll, squeezed, and pummeled. My only objective was to survive. In an upside-down position, knowing that this could be the end, I heard a sound that signaled the immediate conclusion of the battle - the referee's hand slapping the mat, indicating a pin, the equivalent of a first-round knockout.

With a mixture of relief and humility, I rose to my feet and reached out my hand to accept my defeat graciously. However, instead of raising Vogel's hand in victory, he lifted mine. 

I had no inkling that in his pursuit to defeat me, he had inadvertently pinned himself. 
I was the unexpected champion who had conquered Vogel. Miracles can and do happen if you show up, have faith, and place your trust in the Almighty God who is mighty to save!

So, I ask you, what is your Vogel on that mat? 
What is the challenge or opponent that seems insurmountable? 
Remember, trusting in God and dedicating yourself to training can make all the difference in the world. 

Join us on this journey and discover the power of faith and perseverance.